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Hilary Vaughn, Chairperson
Duties of Awards Chairperson:
  1. Meet with Officers and Directors to outline plans and goals for the ensuring year.
  2. Inform other Committee members of your plans and goals.
  3. Present Awards Program to the total membership in an effective manner.
  4. Plan program of recognition for Award winners at the State Association Convention. This includes Certificates, Plaques, etc.
  5. Account for any expenses necessary to implement and complete the program.
  6. Forward emails and notifications received from the Southeast Area Chair and/or National Chair to Officers and Directors
Benefits & Emblems
Cynthia Loftus, Chairperson
Duties of Benefits & Emblems Chairperson:
  1. Meet with Officers and Directors to outline plans for the ensuing year.
  2. Solicit suggestions from the membership.
  3. Evaluate and present these suggestions to the Officers and Directors.
  4. After approval by the Officers and Directors, take steps necessary to implement these suggestions.
  5. If Legislation is required work closely with Legislative Chairman.
  6. Forward emails and notifications received from the Southeast Area Chair and/or National Chair to Officers and Directors.
  7. Encourage each member to be an Emblem wearer or user of emblem items.

  8. Encourage Officers and Directors to use Emblem items as awards or gifts for special recognition of members. Arrange to have Emblem items on display at State Association Conventions.

Charlie White, Chairperson

Duties of Legislative Chairperson:


  1. Meet with Officers and Directors to outline plans and goals for the ensuing year.

  2. Inform other Committee members of your plans and goals.

  3. Alert other committee members and key people about pending legislation; arrange for these people to contact their Congressman or Senator at the proper time, as requested by Southeast Area Chairman or State President.

  4. Encourage all members to send letters, telegrams or make telephone calls on key legislation as requested by Southeast Area Chairman or State President.

  5. Have all member of Legislative Committee make personal contact with their Congressmen or Senator when they are home from Washington, D.C.

Nicole Barrier, Chairperson

Duties of Membership Chairperson:


  1. Meet with Officers and Directors to outline plans and goals for the ensuring year.

  2. Inform other Committee members of these plans and goals, with special emphasis on the method to be used in soliciting Membership.

  3. Be sure the objectives and accomplishments of the Organization are simply and honestly presented.

  4. Plan an orderly and systematic approach to collection of dues.

  5. Follow-up on membership drive, make sure every potential member has been contacted.

  6. Take whatever steps are necessary in trouble areas.

  7. Forward emails and notifications received from the Southeast Area Chair and/or National Chair to Officers and Directors.

Elizabeth Waller, Chairperson

Duties of COAC Chairperson:


  1. Recruit COC members for NAFEC membership and leadership roles within NAFEC.

  2. Act as a liaison between the NAFEC association and KASCOE leadership.

  3. Monitor FSA directives for potential issues affecting the farmer-elected committee system.

  4. Encourage NAFEC membership and associate membership.

  5. Maintain and update the NAFEC Committee brochure for the benefit of KASCOE.

Meghan Edwards, Chairperson

Duties of Programs Chairperson:


  1. Educate the membership as to the purpose/responsibility/availability of the Program Committee.

  2. Accept, present to the Board, and act on any issues brought to his or her attention by the membership

  3. Review issues and make the decision whether to act immediately or to wait and approach the issue during the negotiation/consultation period. The Program Chair may consult with the Board in making the decision. Contact the person who submitted the item with an acknowledgement of receipt of the item.

Ben Benton, Chairperson

Duties of Publicity Chairperson:


  1. Meet with Officers and Directors to outline plans for the ensuing year.

  2. Edit and publish the State newsletter on a bimonthly basis on even numbered months.

  3. Send special newsletter when the need arises (Legislation, Policy Changes, Etc.).

  4. Have a person in each County responsible for reporting news items and pictures.

  5. Send copy of each newsletter to National Chairman.

  6. Send special news items and pictures to National Chairman for inclusion in National Newsletter.

  7. Keep mailing list up to date.

Hilary Vaughn, Chairperson

Duties of Scholarship Chairperson:


  1. Meet with Officers and Directors to outline plans and goals for the ensuing year.

  2. Inform other Committee members of your plans and goals.

  3. Form a committee of their choice, with the concurrence of the President to judge applications. The committee members should have both PT’s and CED’s represented. The committee should consist of five (5) members including the Chairperson.

  4. The Chairperson shall send a copy of the application to the Publicity chairperson to be published in the Newsletter and mail application to individual members upon request.

  5. State Chairperson is encouraged to prepare an article regarding the program in time to allow adequate publicity prior to filing deadline.

  6. The timetable established by the Board of Directors shall be adhered to.

  7. State Chairperson shall keep informed of National Scholarship filing deadlines and regulations. The Chairperson shall distribute national applications upon request.

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